Artificial Real Touch Spring bouquet.
This bouquet looks and feels highly realistic.
We have created this beautiful bouquet using high quality artificial flowers & foliage. T
his is the perfect bouquet for any Spring/Summer wedding or if you just love Tulips & that Spring/Summer vibe.
Includes: Hyacinth, tulips, muscari, roses, freesia & mixed ranunculus. Finished in a choice of different satin.
Colours: White, ivory, pink & green.
Bridal bouquet available in 10inch, 12inch, 14inch.
8inch Bridesmaid & 6inch Flower girl. Bouquets are measured by the curvature.
The bouquet you see in pictures is of a 12inch bouquet.
Buttonhole includes: rose, rosemary, muscari & tulip.
More items available. Please message with requirements.